Welcome to Signature!
Signature is a world-class e-signature application that will have you editing, sending, and signing professional-quality legal documents in a snap.
Here are some key steps you should perform when setting up your Signature account:
Save your signatureThe first thing you should do is save your signature to your account. This will enable the auto-sign feature, which will automatically insert your signature into documents where you are a signer.
How is this done?
The Auto-Sign feature can be found in the Settings menu. It will allow you to save your signature to your account profile. Learn more about adding your signature to your account profile in the help guide, How do I auto-sign documents?Why is this important?
Saving your signature to your account allows documents, on which you are a signer, to be automatically signed for you, as long as there are no other fields in the document that require your manual input. This is an incredible time-saver, especially if you end up with a large volume of documents being sent and signed on a regular basis.
Create a templateThe next thing you should do is create your first template. You can send individual documents to be signed, but using a template will save you a lot more time.
How is this done?
Whether you want to make contracts, forms, or printouts, templates can be created quickly and easily on the Templates page. Clicking the Add Template button will open the template creation wizard, which will guide you through the process of uploading a file, adding signers, and preparing the template for signing. Learn more about creating templates in the help guide, How do I create a template?Why is this important?
Templates allow you to prepare a document that can be sent many times, without having to go through the steps each time of adding fields to the document. If your contract can be used with multiple people, and it requests the same information each time you send it, then it makes the most sense to save that document in the form of a template. This template can then be sent manually or with automations.
Create an automationOnce you have created your first template, the next thing you should do is create your first automation. This will allow you specify which events will result in your template being sent to be signed.
How is this done?
Automations can be created while editing an existing template, or you can also create an automation from scratch on the Automations page. Clicking the Add Automation button will open the automation creation wizard, which will guide you through the process of selecting an event trigger, adding conditions to that event, associating the automation with rentals, and selecting the specific template that you wish to have send when the event occurs. Learn more about creating automations in the help guide, How do I create an automation?Why is this important?
As your business grows, you will find the process of manually sending documents starts incurring its own cost on your business, the loss of productivity. With automations, you can send documents automatically to specified signers, based on a number of events and event conditions. Keep track of the signing activity via the Dashboard, and through email notifications that you can specify in your account preferences.
Create a custom codeWhile there are a large number of data fields available for you in the editor, creating custom codes will allow you to expand the range of information that you can have dynamically inserted into any documents that you send.
How is this done?
Whether you want to insert a short descriptor or a longer summary, custom codes can be created both while editing a template, or through the Custom Codes page. Learn more about creating custom code in the help guide, How do I create a custom code?Why is this important?
While you can create a new template for every possible situation, and each time you want to update a specific section, it might be more efficient to use custom codes, which are data fields that insert custom information, that you specify, into the document when it is sent. Signature provides you with a wide range of content blocks and data dictionary fields, but with custom codes, you literally have an unlimited number of data fields at your disposal.
Upload your company logoAdding your company name and logo to your account is a great way to personalize the emails that your documents are sent in.
How is this done?
The Custom Branding feature can be found in the Settings menu. It will allow you to save your company logo and name to your account, which will then be used in the emails that are used to send your documents. Learn more about adding your personal brand to your account in the help guide, How do I use custom branding?Why is this important?
Give your messaging a more personal touch by featuring your company name and logo prominently in the email messages that go out to your signers. Your company name will appear in the from field of the email, letting your signers know that the request to sign is coming from you. Your logo will feature prominently in the body of the email, allow you to establish brand recognition with your signers.