Signature is the first professional-level e-signature solution, that can be used completely for free. However, should you take advantage of our template and automation features, we think it's important that you understand how your monthly bill will be calculated.
What features will result in my account incurring a charge?
A per-template charge will be incurred when sending a saved template to a contact or user. This charge applies whether a template is sent manually using the Send Template feature, or through an automation. Your monthly bill will be calculated based on the number of templates sent during the monthly billing cycle.What's the difference between a document and a template?
When sending a document via Sign Or Send, you prepare the document for signing at the time that you create it. It is then sent immediately, without being saved. On the other hand, templates are saved copies of documents that have been prepared for signing. You prepare them for signing once, then do not need to prepare them again for subsequent sends. We will only bill you for templates sent using the Send Template wizard, or an automation, while the Sign Or Send button sends documents for free.How much is charged to send a template?
For the first 10 templates sent in a billing cycle, they will be billed at a charge of $0.75 per template. The next 40 templates sent after that will be billed at a cost of $0.50 per template. From 51 sent templates on, they will be billed at a cost of $0.25 per template. At the end of the billing cycle, the template count for the month will be reset, and the billing will be reset to a count of 0 templates. Learn more about Signature pricing here.